Friday, April 17, 2009

I posted this last night without comment after a bad case of the "continual tweaking" set in. I went with a World Goode Homolosine projection with the Central Meridian altered to 100 West; to place the US in the middle. I included the grid more for worldly visual balance then necessity. I did more in AI then I have in the past... and as my confidence grew in "playing" with effects... I unfortunately mismanaged my layers and got into the time consuming mode of "fixing" stuff I had already set.

1 comment:

  1. I hear you with the layers. I'm increasing my knowledge of how to use them with each lab (I guess that's the point). I now spend a few minutes at the beginning of each project naming existing layers and creating/naming layers I know I'll need, like a legend layer, titles layer, and so on.
