Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Deliverable 2 - long and tedius instructions but no difficulties in the tasks.

Deliverable 1

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

This was the deliverable 3 and 4 with density of crimes and a graph of times. In the lower right is the Population density for comparison.

The only problems I had was with the multiring bufffer that has been well documented, and the definition of "crimes" layer.

This is the base map of the Houston area. No problems other then a gangly road layer that had some redraw drag.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Ran into some problems with the demographic files.... but this was the base map for an analysis of a home search based on quality of life.

The write up was to assess home income, areas with kids the same age as mine, and proximity to work and boat ramps. The idea for the boat ramp was to live were I could paddle before or after work.

I provided a basic dempgraphic analysis for my work http://www.glynncounty.org/index.aspx?NID=780 and had no problems with joins and connectivity. The only difference between the two was utilizing the VM or utilizing Enviornments.

The error message that I recieved that left me bogged down in troubleshooting:

"Could not load data from the data souce. If you can correct the problem, press the refresh button and reload data. Possible problems can include bad network connection, Invalid field, etc An invalid SQL statement was used. Item not found in this collection.

The Plan, if it had not been such a personal time short week: Download and do the assignment on a work computer utilizing environments, second do the assignment without envirnments. These are the two aspects that I have limited experience with.
