Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Weighted Values paragraph

The variations in the two weighted value maps provide the home buyer with some advantages and disadvantages when viewing each map representation. When the Doctor and Professor utilize the equally weighted search criteria map, they will have the advantage of viewing blocks that meet all three objectives first. The disadvantage to this view, however, is that it might inadvertently exclude an ideal search area due to a low rank in one area. The Second weighted value map places a greater importance on the distance to Phoenix College and Chandler Regional Hospital. The advantage of this is the map accentuates the blocks between the two work sites and provides extra weight to those blocks in between with median home value and population age. The disadvantage, however, is a block on the South East side of Chandler Hospital might reflect an optimal choice as equally as the North West side of Phoenix College. This however would mean create block that might have great driving times for one individual but not the spouse, meeting only half the distance criteria and minimally the age and house values.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Weighted overlay.... As you can see the optimal sites are a little different then the display. I think this is because of my lack of clarity of what the reclass was.... I had some outliers in my reclass, that seem to tweak the classes.

This is the four part harmony of the Maricopa House location for the good Dr & Prof.
I was clear on the directions and the direction it was going with the Raster, to Reclass, to weighted overlay.... but I had some difficulties on my reclass with the the housing and % age between 40-49. The reclass of 10,000 was clear on the distances... but I ended up kinda making it work with the other two... and while they reflect the data, I don't think the breaks are similar to the display map. This affected the weighted map in the ends not really matching that map display either.

Base Map of Maricopa County.